First Prize
Cuib House – The Small House
Link to diploma
Romanian Order of Architects - Dunarea de Jos Branch
Arch. Andrei Ștefănescu
Arch. Elena Ștefănescu
Link :
First Prize
Cuib House – The Small House
Link to diploma
Summer room
Tema generală: “The extension of the living space
Built area = 100 mp
Site area = 450 mp
Location: Bucharest, Fundeni Lake
The summer room has an advantageous context: a view towards Fundeni lake, a slope towards the water, aquatic vegetation.
The summer room is an extension of the existing building that offers new amenities for living, which became a necessity over time.
The continuity between the natural and the built environment is achieved with the help of the used materials: wood for the structure, and façade and reed for the roof. The wood used on the façade can also be salvaged wood.
The volume of the house facing the street is compact, with a rhythm defined by the striped wooden panel used on different levels. The summer room opens towards the lake and the garden.