Studio AE

Mega Image Sema Parc

Suprafața construită= 715 m²

Splaiul Independenței 319

București, România

dialog cu trecutul clădirii industriale

Arhitectură & design:

arch. Elena Ștefănescu

arch. Andrei Ștefănescu

Client : Mega Image

Suprafața construită= 715 m²

Splaiul Independenței 319

București, România

Sema City is a development composed of new office buildings and old, reconverted ones that serve various purposes. Situated in a former warehouse from the 20s, that has been rehabilitated and consolidated, the store has the advantage of benefiting from a spectacular structural geometry: double-height, a shed roof, access on two sides, brick details and window frameworks.
By arranging and organizing the space we developed a new concept for Mega Image, called Mega Apetit, and we aimed to create a highly visible concept area, situated near the access points. The exterior brick cladding on the outside of the building can also be found on the interior, the chosen tile design maintains the brick proportions and the orange panels serve as a splash of color on the interior. The specific areas for bread baking, hot meals, appetizers, and drinks are placed around the central area that includes self-service window displays.
The colored products are highlighted by the which color used on various textures: expanded sheet metal ceiling, softwood, plexiglass, tiles, metal frames.
Acest proiect a ținut cont de contextul general al spațiului existent și s-a adaptat la elementele specifice brandului pentru un demers coerent.

Studio AE